cocos2d iphone - iAd reducing FPS? -

does iad banner reduces fps?

indeed, since added iad fsp shit. 59 game , it's variable 35-50 fps.

any ideas please because game not playable banner.

thank help.

you should implement iad logic in uinavigationcontroller subclass set in appdelegate. @ mine code like:

appdelegate.m  - (bool)application:(uiapplication *)application didfinishlaunchingwithoptions:(nsdictionary *)launchoptions {     // create main window     window_ = [[uiwindow alloc] initwithframe:[[uiscreen mainscreen] bounds]];      ccglview *glview = [ccglview viewwithframe:[window_ bounds]                                    pixelformat:keaglcolorformatrgb565                                    depthformat:0                             preservebackbuffer:no                                     sharegroup:nil                                  multisampling:no                                numberofsamples:0];      // enable multiple touches     [glview setmultipletouchenabled:yes];      director_ = (ccdirectorios*) [ccdirector shareddirector];      director_.wantsfullscreenlayout = yes;      // display fsp , spf     [director_ setdisplaystats:yes];      // set fps @ 60     [director_ setanimationinterval:1.0/60];  //few lines later      // create navigation controller director     navcontroller_ = [[mynavigationcontroller alloc] initwithrootviewcontroller:director_];     navcontroller_.navigationbarhidden = yes;      [self checkdevicetype];      // setup iads bannerview     [self setupiads];      // rotation , other messages     [director_ setdelegate:navcontroller_];      // set navigation controller root view controller     [window_ setrootviewcontroller:navcontroller_];      // make main window visible     [window_ makekeyandvisible];      return yes; }  - (void)setupiads {     cgsize size = [[ccdirector shareddirector] winsize];      float bannerheight = _isipadrunning ? 66.0f : 50.0f;     adadtype bannertype = _isipadrunning ? adadtypemediumrectangle : adadtypebanner;     _bannerview = [[adbannerview alloc] initwithadtype:bannertype];     _bannerview.frame = cgrectmake(0, navcontroller_.view.frame.size.height, size.width, bannerheight);      cgsize newbannersize = [_bannerview sizethatfits:cgsizemake(size.width, bannerheight)];     _bannerview.frame = cgrectmake(0, navcontroller_.view.frame.size.height,                                    newbannersize.width, newbannersize.height);     _bannerview.delegate = self;      //get view     uiview *mainview = [navcontroller_ view];     [mainview addsubview:_bannerview];     [mainview setneedslayout]; } 

as can see use navcontroller_ place iad banner view. no fps drops! :) please, try out. me helped , have no fps drops or delay. works great.


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