javascript - How to group SAPUI5 OData before bind to control at client side? -

i have odata list example in json notation:

var data = [  {"category" : "a", "value" : 1, "group" : "x"},  {"category" : "b", "value" : 2, "group" : "y"},  {"category" : "c", "value" : 3, "group" : "x"},  {"category" : "a", "value" : 4, "group" : "y"},  {"category" : "a", "value" : 5, "group" : "x"} ]; 

first of filter against group == x; values left are:

var data = [  {"category" : "a", "value" : 1, "group" : "x"},  {"category" : "c", "value" : 3, "group" : "x"},  {"category" : "a", "value" : 5, "group" : "x"} ]; 

now group (at client side) category , sum values, result should be:

var data = [  {"category" : "a", "value" : 6, },  {"category" : "c", "value" : 3, }, ]; 

after bind model sapui5 control.

but grouping part seems not possible.

does know generic solution problem?

a potential use case:

var odataset = new{     dimensions : [ {axis : 1, value : "{category}", name : "category" } ],     measures : [ {value : "{value}", name : "value" } ],     data : {         path : "/data"     } });  var ograph = new sap.viz.ui5.donut({     dataset : odataset, // }); 

the following code works me. query northwind order_details service couple of products via generic binding, map reduce the returned bindings , aggregate quantity of each order total quanity sold, show results in column chart.

see jsbin example

note sap.viz introduces , array.prototype.reduce functions

var suri = ''; var odatamodel = new sap.ui.model.odata.odatamodel(suri, true); odatamodel.setsizelimit(10000); var ojsonmodel = new sap.ui.model.json.jsonmodel({}, 'jmodel');  // handle list of contexts var handler = function(oevent) {     var mapcallback = function(ocontext) {         var obj = {};         obj.productid = ocontext.getobject().productid,         obj.quantity = ocontext.getobject().quantity         return obj;     };      var reducecallback = function(aprev, ocurr) {         var anext = aprev;         var bfound = false;          anext.foreach(function(item) {             if (item.productid === ocurr.productid) {                 bfound = true;                 item.quantity += ocurr.quantity;             }         })          if (bfound === false) {             anext.push(ocurr);         }          return anext;     };     //release handler     obindings.detachchange(handler);      var atotals = oevent.osource.getcontexts().map(mapcallback).reduce(reducecallback, []);     ojsonmodel.setdata({         'order_totals': atotals     }); };  // filter orders 3 products var ofilter1 = new sap.ui.model.filter("productid", sap.ui.model.filteroperator.eq, '1'); var ofilter2 = new sap.ui.model.filter("productid", sap.ui.model.filteroperator.eq, '68'); var ofilter3 = new sap.ui.model.filter("productid", sap.ui.model.filteroperator.eq, '11'); var afilter = [ofilter1, ofilter2, ofilter3];  // sort productid var osorter = new sap.ui.model.sorter("productid", false, true);  // reduce returned payload nominating need fields var oselect = {     select: 'productid,quantity' }  var obindings = odatamodel.bindlist("/order_details", null, osorter, afilter, oselect);  // call odata service , handle results obindings.attachchange(handler); obindings.getcontexts();  var odataset = new{     dimensions: [{         axis: 1,         name: 'productid',         value: "{productid}"     }],     measures: [{         name: 'quantity sold',         value: '{quantity}'     }],     data: {         path: "/order_totals"     } });  var ocolumnchart = new sap.viz.ui5.column({     width: "80%",     height: "400px",     plotarea: {         'colorpalette': d3.scale.category20().range()     },     title: {         visible: true,         text: 'qutantity sold product'     },     dataset: odataset });  ocolumnchart.setmodel(ojsonmodel); 


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