spring - Full featured broker with activeMQ -

i using activemq full featured broker. have deployed spring application on tomcat 8.0.8. sending large messages , in separate thread (about 230000 stomp messages in while loop). when use chrome, or firefox in activemq console, see messages being consumed instantly. problem ie. can see stops consume messages (after 1000), , tomcat fails @

java.lang.thread.run(thread.java:722) aused by: org.apache.catalina.connector.clientabortexception: java.io.ioexcepti n: existing connection forcibly closed remote host @ org.apache.catalina.connector.outputbuffer.realwritebytes(outputbuffe .java:396) @ org.apache.tomcat.util.buf.bytechunk.flushbuffer(bytechunk.java:426) @ org.apache.catalina.connector.outputbuffer.doflush(outputbuffer.java: 42) @ org.apache.catalina.connector.outputbuffer.flush(outputbuffer.java:31 ) etc....

is ie such slow consumer default or what? have tried numerous slow consumer politic activemq without success.

the exception points io error of sort on client side. can try track happens on client side, e.g. use fiddler check reported errors, or if fails wireshark track http messages sent out , how far gets. try using latest 4.0.6.build-snapshot (or better yet 4.1.0.build-snapshot) available repo.spring.io/libs-snapshot. there recent sockjs related fixes worth trying out.
