Heroku: Can I commit remotely -

we have cms on heroku, files generated cms, how can pull changes down? can commit changes remotely , pull them down? there ftp option of kind?

see: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/dynos#ephemeral-filesystem

it's not designed persistent file generation , usage.

in practice, works this: user puts code repository. code dynamically pulled temporary amazon ec instances , executed. code can pulled virtual machine virtual machine, node node, without disruption, across data centers. there no real "place" products of code environment, because generated checked-out code can (and will) destroyed code deploy skips around between temporary machines.

that being said, there workarounds: if app includes file browser within deployed code, can grab (entirely) temporary files using file browser, , commit persistent code trunk.

another option using s3 persistent storage, application reading from, , writing to, data storage service, knowing while heroku re-write , destroy local data on frequent basis, external service maintain files.

similarly, can change application use heroku's postgres persistent data storage, or use amazon's rds, (etc.).

alternately, can edit application in such way ensure files generated regenerated every time code refreshed, redeployed, , moved around.
