vb.net - Fastest way to save OpenXML Visual Basic -

i'm working on system that, using interop, reads in word doc (that acts template) , excel document. program uses openxml replace keywords in word doc based on data in excel document. saves converted document pdf. process slow uses lot of read write requests:

  • it saves copy of template directory converted files go
  • it processes excel data read datatable , uses openxml convert
  • it converts word file pdf , deletes existing word document

it has each row in excel document (which lot of reads , writes storage). wondering if there way keep processing in memory? unfortanutely openxml library (a modified use) needs directory actual word doc , can't use word doc object.

i'm thinking of doing deleting on directory level instead of file level in attempt speed up. i'm not sure how of difference make. there blatant optimisations i'm missing?
