java - xStream changes order of objects in write/readObject with JSON serialization -

we use xstream serialize objects json , vice versa.

we init xstream this

xstream xstream = new xstream(new jettisonmappedxmldriver(new configuration(), false)); xstream.ignoreunknownelements(); xstream.setmode(xstream.xpath_relative_references);

we have test class

public static class testwowithbi implements serializable{     private static final long serialversionuid = -4720678317857471031l;      private transient string customernickname;     private transient string customeruuid;     private transient biginteger discussionid;     private transient string message;      public testwowithbi(string customernickname, string customeruuid, biginteger discussionid, string message){         this.customernickname = customernickname;         this.customeruuid = customeruuid;         this.discussionid = discussionid;         this.message = message;     }      private final void writeobject(final objectoutputstream out) throws ioexception {         out.defaultwriteobject();         out.writeobject(customernickname);         out.writeobject(customeruuid);         out.writeobject(discussionid);         out.writeobject(message);     }      private final void readobject(final objectinputstream in) throws ioexception, classnotfoundexception{         in.defaultreadobject();         customernickname = (string) in.readobject();         customeruuid = (string) in.readobject();         discussionid = (biginteger) in.readobject();         message = (string) in.readobject();     } } 

after serialization looks this:

{ "somethere.objecttojsonserializertest$testwowithbi": { "@serialization": "custom", "somethere.objecttojsonserializertest$testwowithbi": { "default": "", "string": ["name", "uuid", "message"], "big-int": 1 } } }

and deserialization fails class cast. on 1.3.1 , 1.4.7 versions. looks bug me, may settings?

upd: seems org.codehaus.jettison.mapped.mappedxmlstreamwriter.jsonpropertyobject#withproperty

if(old != null) { jsonarray values; // convert existing property array // , append array if (old instanceof jsonarray) {     values = (jsonarray)old; } else {     values = new jsonarray();     values.put(old); } values.put(value);  object.put(property.getkey(), values); } else if(getserializedasarrays().contains(property.getkey())) { jsonarray values = new jsonarray(); values.put(value); object.put(property.getkey(), values); } else { // add property directly. object.put(property.getkey(), value); } 

it group elements of same type.
