sql server - SQL - add records to temp table until order is fulfilled -

what ways tackle scenario? want select enough records table b support table , want use oldest newest table b.

table a:

ordernum  partnum    quantity     ship date  ----------------------------------------------- 1         xyz              15     7/1/2014 2         xyz              15     8/1/2014 

table b:

lotid     partnum    quantity     dateent ----------------------------------------------- 1         xyz              10     1/1/2014 2         xyz              10     2/1/2014 3         xyz              10     3/1/2014 


ordernum  partnum     quantity    lotid     lotquantity -------------------------------------------------------- 1         xyz               15    1                  10 1         xyz               15    2                   5 2         xyz               15    2                   5 2         xyz               15    3                  10  

this i've tried

select ordernum,case when lotqty < (orderqty - prevlotqty) lotqty else orderqty -   prevlotqty end needed,lotid (select top 1000 ordernum,tv.orderqty,lotqty,         previqty = isnull((select sum(qty) tableb partnum = tb.partnum , dateent < tb.dateent),0)         tablea ta inner join tableb tb on ta.partnum = tableb.partnum         tablb.qty > 0 order dateent) baseqry orderqty - prevlotqty > 0 

this works 1 order, reuses same records table b if there more orders on same part.

like said in oppinion better solve on buisness logic side if whant on server side reason (nightjob,...) script. keep in mind preformance problems , other things pointed out in comments. c# based solution blam's answer here sql aproach that

create table taba (ordernum numeric(1), partnum varchar(3), quntity numeric(2), shipdate datetime) create table tabb (lotid numeric(1), partnum varchar(3), quntity numeric(2), dateent datetime)  create table tabc (ordernum numeric(1), partnum varchar(3), quntity numeric(2), lotid numeric(1), lotquntity numeric(2))  insert taba values(1,'xyz',15,'20140107'),                         (2,'xyz',15,'20140107')  insert tabb values(1,'xyz',10,'20140101'),                         (2,'xyz',10,'20140102'),                         (3,'xyz',10,'20140103')  select * #tabb1 tabb  declare @lnordernum numeric(1), @lcpartnum varchar(3), @ldshipdate datetime, @lnquntity numeric(2) declare @lnlotid numeric(1), @lcpartnum1 varchar(3), @ldentdate datetime, @lnquntity1 numeric(2),          @lnquntity2 numeric(2), @lnquntity3 numeric(2) declare cur_a cursor select *  taba order shipdate   open cur_a fetch next cur_a @lnordernum, @lcpartnum,@lnquntity, @ldshipdate while @@fetch_status=0 begin      set @lnquntity3 = @lnquntity     while @lnquntity > 0     begin         select top 1 lotid, partnum, quntity, dateent #tmpb1         #tabb1         quntity > 0         order dateent          set @lnlotid = (select top 1 lotid #tmpb1 )         set @lcpartnum1 = (select top 1 partnum #tmpb1 )         set @ldentdate = (select top 1 dateent #tmpb1 )         set @lnquntity1 = (select top 1 quntity #tmpb1 )             if @lnquntity1 >= @lnquntity         begin             set @lnquntity2 = 0             insert tabc values(@lnordernum,@lcpartnum,@lnquntity3,@lnlotid,@lnquntity)             update #tabb1                  set quntity = @lnquntity1 - @lnquntity                 lotid = @lnlotid , partnum = @lcpartnum1 , dateent = @ldentdate              drop table #tmpb1             set @lnquntity = @lnquntity2         end         else         begin             set @lnquntity2 = @lnquntity - @lnquntity1             insert tabc values(@lnordernum,@lcpartnum,@lnquntity3,@lnlotid,@lnquntity1)             update #tabb1                  set quntity = 0                 lotid = @lnlotid , partnum = @lcpartnum1 , dateent = @ldentdate              drop table #tmpb1             set @lnquntity = @lnquntity2         end     end     fetch next cur_a @lnordernum, @lcpartnum,@lnquntity, @ldshipdate end  close cur_a deallocate cur_a  drop table #tabb1  drop table taba drop table tabb select * tabc drop table tabc 
