c# - Exception handling - Exception within a catch clause? -

i downloading data text files db tables. data in files corrupt @ field level (files comma delimited .csv files)

i reading each line object represents data line properties correct datatype.

if read object fails due dodgy data, want read line similar object first one, 1 has data types set string read should not fal.

the idea being can create collection of valid record objects load in appropriate db table, , collection of exceptions load exceptions table. these can dealt later.

so - question: going loop through lines of text file , load these object , add object collection. there try/catch loop around , if object load fails, in catch section load exception object , add collection of exceptions.

however, happens if exception object load fails (for whatever reason). put try/catch around , log exceptions - i.e try/catch within try/catch?

is there better way of doing this?

  1. code within catch block no way different other code.

so have protect every critical action try catch otherwise program might crash.

2. might personal flavor, not recommend use try control flow - use if instead. use if-statements detect dodgy data.


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