closures - AngularJS nesting promises issues -

i need solve problem , in fact, i'm don'yet understand how retrieve promise result in nesting promise, bellow code

// service mainapp.factory('myservice',  ['cmismanager', '$q', 'servicecmis', function(cmismanager, $q, servicecmis) {                     get_detailfold: function(_objectid){                 return servicecmis.getdocumentproperties(_objectid)                     .then(function(data){                         var items = [] ;                         var imgliste =  data.succinctproperties['tsi:image_liste'].split(';') ;                          (function(imgliste){                             (var i=0; i<imgliste.length; i++) {                                 (function(index){                                     var item = {} ;                            = imgliste[index] ;                                     return servicecmis.getdocumentproperties(imgliste[index])                                         .then(function(data){                                             var contentstreamid = data.succinctproperties['cmis:contentstreamid'] ;                                                 return servicecmis.getcontentstreamdocumenturl(data[index], contentstreamid)                                                     .then(function(data){                                                     item.urlthumbnail = data ;                                                     item.urldetail = data ;                                                     items.push(item) ;                                         })                                     })                                 })(i) ;                             }                             return items ;                         })(imgliste) ;                      })                     .then(null, function(error){                         return error;                     }) ;             }         };     }])  }])             // controleur myservice.get_detailfold(41946).then(function(data){     $scope.datatest = data ; }) ; 

i expected result this

[     {"id":1, "urlthumbnail":"./img/test/1.jpg", "urldetail":"./img/test/1.jpg"},     {"id":2, "urlthumbnail":"./img/test/2.jpg", "urldetail":"./img/test/2.jpg"},     {"id":3, "urlthumbnail":"./img/test/3.jpg", "urldetail":"./img/test/3.jpg"},     {"id":4, "urlthumbnail":"./img/test/4.jpg", "urldetail":"./img/test/4.jpg"},     {"id":5, "urlthumbnail":"./img/test/5.jpg", "urldetail":"./img/test/5.jpg"} ] 

but instead, i've got undefined

thanks in advance help

you should utilize .map , .foreach loops in order avoid nasty closures around loops.

that said, problem rather simple, you're returning inside closure rather ouside of it.

return items ; })(imgliste) ; 

returns anonymous invoked function closure, instead starters do:

})(imgliste) ; return items ; 

however, you're still not populating items in right order since won't wait them - utilize $q.all waits array of promises. code should like:

mainapp.factory('myservice',  ['cmismanager', '$q', 'servicecmis', function(cmismanager, $q, servicecmis) {             //...     get_detailfold: function(_objectid){         return servicecmis.getdocumentproperties(_objectid).then(function(data){             var items = [] ;             var imglist = data.succinctproperties['tsi:image_liste'].split(';');             var ps ={                 return servicecmis.getdocumentproperties(img).then(function(properties){                     var contentstreamid = data.succinctproperties['cmis:contentstreamid'];                     return servicecmis.getcontentstreamdocumenturl(img, contentstreamid);                            }).then(function(data){                     return { id:img, urlthumbnail: data, urldetail: data };                 });             });             return $q.all(ps); // waits promises resolve           }); // don't .catch here, let other side handle failures     } }]); 


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