java - How to create runnable jar with dependencies in extra folder on mutimodule project? -

i have common library shared among different project. library extended (at least now), should picked eclipse workspace during build.

i'm trying use maven-dependency-plugin copy dependencies in /lib folder next runnable jar. not work:

<dependencies>     <!-- jar opened project in workspace, not installed maven repo, , not submodule. should picked , added jar during package. -->     <dependency>         <groupid>my.domain</groupid>         <artifactid>project-commons</artifactid>     </dependency> </dependencies>            <plugin>             <artifactid>maven-dependency-plugin</artifactid>             <version>2.8</version>             <executions>                 <execution>                     <id>copy-dependencies</id>                     <phase>package</phase>                     <goals>                         <goal>copy-dependencies</goal>                     </goals>                     <configuration>                         <outputdirectory>${}/lib/</outputdirectory>                         <overwritereleases>true</overwritereleases>                     </configuration>                 </execution>             </executions>         </plugin> 

[error] failed execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:2.8:copy-dependencies (copy-dependencies) on project mydomain: artifact has not been packaged yet. when used on reactor artifact, copy should executed after packaging: see mdep-187. -> [help 1]

the error ocures when maven tries copy commons project open in workspace. did miss anything?

i ran problem myself today, downloading latest version of ctakes (3.2) integrates ytex build on command line not in eclipse. error result of apparently known issue plugin (

i fixed (and think fix problem) changing phase package prepare-package.

package prepare-package

try , see if works you.


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