QUERY for JOIN a @JoinTable in a @ManyToMany relationship with the non-owned table, in eclipselink jpa -

the own class @jointable ("commit_reference_issue"), need make join table called "commit_reference_issue" , table "issue" represented non-own class issue. join need show after class issue.

@entity @table(name="commit") @namedquery(name="commit.findall", query="select c commit c") public class commit implements serializable { private static final long serialversionuid = 1l;  @id @column(name="sha", nullable=false, length=45) private string sha;  //code omitted...  //bi-directional many-to-many association issue @manytomany @jointable(name="commit_reference_issue",     joincolumns = {         @joincolumn(name="commit_sha", nullable=false, referencedcolumnname = "sha")     },     inversejoincolumns={         @joincolumn(name = "issue_number", referencedcolumnname = "number"),         @joincolumn(name = "issue_repository_id_git", referencedcolumnname = "repository_id_git")     } ) private list<issue> issues; //code omitted... 

the non-own class issue

@entity @table(name="issue") @idclass(issuepk.class) @namedquery(name="issue.findall", query="select issue i") public class issue implements serializable { private static final long serialversionuid = 1l;  @id @column(name = "number") private int number;  @id @manytoone @joincolumn(name = "repository_id_git", referencedcolumnname = "id_git") private repository repository;  //code omitted...  //bi-directional many-to-many association commit @manytomany(mappedby="issues") private list<commit> commits;  //code omitted... 

how can translate query below query in jpa eclipselink?

select i.* issue inner join commit_reference_issue cri on i.number = cri.issue_number ,  i.repository_id_git = cri.issue_repository_id_git; 

thanks @chris! work! add clause in jpql, because database has many repositories. jpql is:

"select issue join i.commits c i.repository =:arg1", "arg1" repository repository.


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