html - Why are the heading size tags not deprecated in HTML5? -

it seems me specifying "importance" (read "size") of element in html violates principle of separation of concerns html5 espouses much. if designers of html5 deprecated tags <big> , <strike> (see link list of other such elements) because behavior can , should replicated in css, why wasn't same done heading size tags (<h1>, <h2>, etc...)? these tags not have been merged 1 <h> tag, , have css classes added them size them (eg <h1 class="big-header">)?

it seems highly arbitrary designers of html5 include 6 (see link) <h> tags, interpreted , displayed differently. how number 6 determined? why not develop 1 tag , leave developer style properly?

<h1>, <h2> ... <h6> semantically important; have meaning besides default styles. same reason <nav>, <aside>, <article>, <footer>, etc. added in html5.


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