Toggle attribute selector CSS javascript -

i want toggle "fill: #000;" css property "svg [id^='_']".

normally i'd use this, can't use because "svg [id^='_']" isn't element, right?

pub.toggleclass = function(el, classname) {   if (el.classlist) {     el.classlist.toggle(classname);   } else {     var classes = el.classname.split(' ');     var existingindex = classes.indexof(classname);      if (existingindex >= 0)       classes.splice(existingindex, 1);     else       classes.push(classname);      el.classname = classes.join(' ');   } }; 

when try toggleclass says "uncaught typeerror: cannot read property 'split' of undefined"...

i've tried doing this: document.stylesheets[1].addrule("svg [id^='_']", 'fill: #000;'); isn't working cross-browser , it's not toggling... because feeling there simpler way this..

update 1

i'm going try library:

i able use toggleclass putting attribute selector in class adding. rather try add style onto existing attribute selection, lot simpler.

.monotone [id^='_'] {     fill: #000; } 


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