c# - How to run cmd command under administrator rights? -

this question has answer here:

how can run below command under administrator approval in visual c#? need hide console windows while running console.


private void button5_click(object sender, eventargs e)     {                     process process = new process();         processstartinfo startinfo = new processstartinfo();         startinfo.filename = "cmd.exe";         startinfo.arguments = "/c netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=hotspot key=12345678";         startinfo.verb = "runas";         startinfo.useshellexecute = true;         startinfo.windowstyle = processwindowstyle.hidden;         process.startinfo = startinfo;         process.start();          process wifistart = new process();         processstartinfo wifistartinfo = new processstartinfo();         wifistartinfo.filename = "netsh.exe";         wifistartinfo.arguments = "/c wlan start hostednetwork";         wifistartinfo.verb = "runas";         wifistartinfo.useshellexecute = true;         wifistartinfo.windowstyle = processwindowstyle.hidden;         process.startinfo = wifistartinfo;         wifistart.start();     } 

process.start(new processstartinfo {     filename = "netsh",     arguments = "wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=hotspot key=12345678",     verb = "runas",     useshellexecute = true,     windowstyle = processwindowstyle.hidden }); 

this starts process using "runas" verb, makes shell try execute in elevated privileges mode. need shell involved in in first place, hence useshellexecute = true value.

the last property tells shell hide new process' window, i'm not sure work console program.


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