objective c - How to call ScrollViewDidScroll delegate method of UITableView in IOS -

i have uitableview in loading photos comments..

i have horizontal scrolling of images in each row , vertical scrolling of users photos horizontally comments..

i want update single cell when ever user commented photo.

at scrollviewdidscroll method have code dynamically updated height of uitableviewcell , displaying comments. requirement dynamically increase height of custom cell respect comments of photo scrolled. displaying latest 3 comments in cell. should dynamically updated height based on 0 or 1 or 2 or 3 comments of photo..

so, have tried below code..for updating single row..

[self.photostable beginupdates]; [self.photostable reloadrowsatindexpaths:[self.photostable indexpathsforvisiblerows] withrowanimation:uitableviewrowanimationautomatic];  [self.photostable endupdates];  [self scrollviewdidscroll:self.photostable];//as uitableview sub class of uiscrollview wrote 

but scrollviewdidscroll not calling. if scroll table calling..

please suggest ideas went wrong..

thanks in advance..

scrollviewdidscroll delegate method automatically called when uitableview scrolled.

if want scroll uitableview, try , use code :

nsindexpath *indexpath = [nsindexpath indexpathforrow:n insection:0];     [self.tableview scrolltorowatindexpath:indexpath                     atscrollposition:uitableviewscrollpositiontop                             animated:yes]; 


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