goangular - GoInstant: Match a single array element with $goQuery? -
is possible yet query key array value single array element goinstant goangular? example, if querying list of items following keys/properties, can select items belong single user? item: { name: 'item name', description: 'a longer description of item , details', category: 'business', user_ids: [1,3,7,15] //this array of user id's because items //have many-to-many relationship users } i tried query not return anything: var queryresults = $goquery('items', { user_ids: 1 }, { limit: 10 }).$sync(); i believe proper syntax according mongodb documentation , i'm not sure if goinstant has implemented operator yet. appreciated. this should work expect, it's bug! stay tuned, i'll update answer once it's been fixed.