ios - Two Panels on the Right Using SWRevealViewController -

i have created 1 panel on right single finger pan gesture. have display view controller on same side when user swipes using 2 finger gesture. tried adding in swrevealviewcontroller.h class file isn't working . created 2 differnent seques , sw_right , sw_test .. if user swipes 1 finger sw_right seque's view controller displayed , if user swipes 2 finger seques sw_test segue's should displayed. please struck here. below code

static nsstring * const swseguerearidentifier = @"sw_rear"; static nsstring * const swseguefrontidentifier = @"sw_front"; static nsstring * const swseguerightidentifier = @"sw_right"; static nsstring * const swseguerightidentifier2 =@"sw_test"; // mytest  - (void)prepareforsegue:(swrevealviewcontrollersegue *)segue sender:(id)sender {     // $ using custom segue can access storyboard-loaded rear/front view controllers     // trick define segues of type swrevealviewcontrollersegue on storyboard     // connecting swrevealviewcontroller desired front/rear controllers,     // , setting identifiers "sw_rear" , "sw_front"      // $ these segues invoked manually in loadview method if storyboard     // used instantiate swrevealviewcontroller      // $ none of necessary if apple exposed "relationship" segues container view controllers.      nsstring *identifier = segue.identifier;     if ( [segue iskindofclass:[swrevealviewcontrollersegue class]] && sender == nil )     {         if ( [identifier isequaltostring:swseguerearidentifier] )         {             segue.performblock = ^(swrevealviewcontrollersegue* rvc_segue, uiviewcontroller* svc, uiviewcontroller* dvc)             {                 [self _setrearviewcontroller:dvc animated:no];             };         }         else if ( [identifier isequaltostring:swseguefrontidentifier] )         {             segue.performblock = ^(swrevealviewcontrollersegue* rvc_segue, uiviewcontroller* svc, uiviewcontroller* dvc)             {                 [self _setfrontviewcontroller:dvc animated:no];             };         }         else if ( [identifier isequaltostring:swseguerightidentifier] )         {             segue.performblock = ^(swrevealviewcontrollersegue* rvc_segue, uiviewcontroller* svc, uiviewcontroller* dvc)             {                 [self _setrightviewcontroller:dvc animated:no];             };         }         //mytest code         **else if ( [identifier isequaltostring:swseguerightidentifier2] )         {             segue.performblock = ^(swrevealviewcontrollersegue* rvc_segue, uiviewcontroller* svc, uiviewcontroller* dvc)             {                 [self _setrightviewcontroller:dvc animated:no];             };         }**         //code test      } } 

finally have got solution have 2 panels. used 1 controller displaying 2 different datas based on touches performed. here did. wrote code in reveal view controller

-(void)viewwillappear:(bool)animated {      int numberoftouches =  self.revealviewcontroller.pangesturerecognizer.numberoftouches;     nslog(@"%d",numberoftouches);     if (numberoftouches ==1) {         numberoftouchesstring=@"one";     }     else if (numberoftouches==2)     {         numberoftouchesstring=@"two";     }     [learningsearchtableview reloaddata];  }  - (nsinteger)tableview:(uitableview *)tableview numberofrowsinsection:(nsinteger)section {     if ([numberoftouchesstring isequaltostring:@"one"]) {         return 6;     }     else if ([numberoftouchesstring isequaltostring:@"two"])     {         return 5;     }     else         return 0; } - (void)tableview:(uitableview *)tableview didselectrowatindexpath:(nsindexpath *)indexpath {     nslog(@"selected");     if ([numberoftouchesstring isequaltostring:@"one"]) {         nslog(@"%@",indexpath);      }     else if ([numberoftouchesstring isequaltostring:@"two"])     {         nslog(@"the other %@",indexpath);     }  }  - (uitableviewcell *)tableview:(uitableview *)tableview cellforrowatindexpath:(nsindexpath *)indexpath {     static nsstring *cellidentifier = @"learningsearchcellidentifier";     learningsearchcell *cell = [tableview dequeuereusablecellwithidentifier:cellidentifier forindexpath:indexpath];       if ([numberoftouchesstring isequaltostring:@"one"]) {       cell.subjectnamelabel.text=@"art";         cell.subjecdataandsessionlabel.text=@"friday 11th april - ls3(cohort 11)";         cell.teachernamelabel.text=@"mr starr";      }     else if ([numberoftouchesstring isequaltostring:@"two"])     {         cell.subjectnamelabel.text=@"english";         cell.subjecdataandsessionlabel.text=@"sunday 12th april - ls3(cohort 11)";         cell.teachernamelabel.text=@"mr harry";       }     return cell;   } 


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