c - error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment, error: void value not ignored as it ought to be -

im getting these errors:

error: lvalue required left operand of assignment error: void value not ignored ought 

basically have i2c capacitive touch controller scanning checking scanned data , doing d actions if required repeating.

here code:

#include <avr/io.h> #include <util/delay.h>  #include "i2cmaster.h"  #define mpr03x 0x4a  int main(void) {     unsigned char tou;      ddra = 0xff;     ddrb = 0xff;     porta = 0x03;     _delay_ms(500);     porta = 0x00;      i2c_init();     //initialize i2c      i2c_start_wait(mpr03x+i2c_write);   //set device address , write mode     i2c_write(0x44);                    //write address = 68     i2c_write(0x03);                    //calibration = on, runmode = 1, enabled = ele0, ele1, ele2      while(1)     {         porta = 0x01;         i2c_start_wait(mpr03x=i2c_write);   //set device address , write mode         i2c_write(0x00);                    //write address = 68         i2c_rep_start(mpr03x+i2c_read);     // set device address , read mode         tou = i2c_readnak;         i2c_stop;          if(tou == 0x00);                    //if no pads pressed         {             porta = 0x00;             _delay_ms(1);         }         else         {             if(tou == 0x01);                //if pad 1 pressed             {                 porta = 0x05;                 if(tou == 0x02);            //if pad 2 pressed                 {                     porta = 0x09;                     if(tou == 0x03);        //if pad 3 pressed                     {                         porta = 0x11;                         _delay_ms(1000);                     }                 }                 else                 {                     if(tou == 0x02);        //if pad 2 pressed                     {                         porta = 0x09;                         if(tou == 0x03);    //if pad 3 pressed                         {                             porta = 0x11;                             _delay_ms(1000);                         }                         else                         {                             if(tou == 0x03);//if pad 3 pressed                             {                                 porta = 0x11;                                 _delay_ms(1000);                             }                         }                     }                 }          }      } }` 

any appreciated.

this cause problems:

    i2c_start_wait(mpr03x=i2c_write);   //set device address , write mode                          ^ 

... because mpr03x not variable.

my assumption back-tick isn't in code on last line, i'll mention anyway.

as else pointed out, i2c_stop; looks mistake.
