c# - Speech Recognition is not available on this system. SAPI and Speech Recognition engines cannot be found -

good day! try write simple speech text engine use speech sdk 11. try execute test example .

so , create console app , run code. (with task)

 task speechrecognizer = new task(dowork);         speechrecognizer.start();         speechrecognizer.wait();  static void dowork()     {          // create new speechrecognitionengine instance.         speechrecognitionengine sre = new speechrecognitionengine();          // configure input recognizer.         sre.setinputtowavefile(@"c:\test\colors.wav");          // create simple grammar recognizes "red", "green", or "blue".         choices colors = new choices();         colors.add(new string[] { "red", "green", "blue" });          // create grammarbuilder object , append choices object.         grammarbuilder gb = new grammarbuilder();         gb.append(colors);          // create grammar instance , load speech recognition engine.         grammar g = new grammar(gb);         sre.loadgrammar(g);          // register handler speechrecognized event.         sre.speechrecognized +=           new eventhandler<speechrecognizedeventargs>(sre_speechrecognized);          // start recognition.         sre.recognize();     } 

but exception:speech recognition not available on system. sapi , speech recognition engines cannot found.i try install speechsdk51 ,but have no result.

can tell me how fix error?

thank you!

p.s. error arises @ :

 // create new speechrecognitionengine instance.     speechrecognitionengine sre = new speechrecognitionengine(); 

did add both x64 , x86 versions of runtime component? worked me.


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