c# - Deserializing Class with 2 non-default constructors -

i've class, trues ser\des objects, given it, using json.net

public class jsonserializer {     public string serialize(object toserialaze)     {         return jsonconvert.serializeobject(toserialaze);     }      public t deserialize<t>(string todeserialaze)     {         return jsonconvert.deserializeobject<t>(todeserialaze);     } } 

and giving anobject of such class

 public class isbn     {         private readonly int _groupcode;         private readonly int _publishercode;         private readonly int _titlecode;         private readonly int _checkcode;         private static readonly regex regex = new regex(@"^\s*\d*\s*-\s*\d*\s*-\s*\d*\s*-\s*\d*\s*$");          public isbn(int groupcode, int publishercode, int titlecode, int checkcode)         {             _groupcode = groupcode;             _publishercode = publishercode;             _titlecode = titlecode;             _checkcode = checkcode;         }          public isbn(string isbn)         {             if (isbn == null)                 throw new argumentnullexception("isbn");             if (isbn == "") return;             if (!isvalid(isbn)) return;             var isbnstrings = isbn.split(new[] {'-', ' '}, stringsplitoptions.removeemptyentries);             _groupcode = convert.toint32(isbnstrings[0]);             _publishercode = convert.toint32(isbnstrings[1]);             _titlecode = convert.toint32(isbnstrings[2]);             _checkcode = convert.toint32(isbnstrings[3]);         }     } 

i exception: additional information: unable find constructor use type library.isbn. class should either have default constructor, 1 constructor arguments or constructor marked jsonconstructor attribute. know, may put [jsonconstructor] before constructor need use while deserialization, don't want class isbn know json. how may same in way? how may let jsonconverter know, of 2 constructors use?

i think answer little bit late may want use it.

you can creating custom jsonconverter

public class isbnconverter : jsonconverter {     public override bool canconvert(type objecttype)     {         return objecttype == typeof(isbn);     }      public override object readjson(jsonreader reader, type objecttype, object existingvalue, jsonserializer serializer)     {         if (reader.tokentype == jsontoken.startobject)         {             var dict = new dictionary<string, int>();             serializer.populate(reader, dict);             return new isbn(dict["groupcode"], dict["publishercode"], dict["titlecode"], dict["checkcode"]);         }          if (reader.tokentype == jsontoken.string)         {             return new isbn((string)reader.value);         }          return null;     }      public override void writejson(jsonwriter writer, object value, jsonserializer serializer)     {         throw new notimplementedexception();     } } 

the thing need pass converter jsonconvert.deserializeobject

var yourobj = jsonconvert.deserializeobject<t>(json, new isbnconverter()); 

now deserializetion can work both json's

{ .... , isbn:{groupcode:1,publishercode:2,titlecode:3,checkcode:4}, ...... } { .... , isbn:"1-2-3-4", .... } 

for ex;

public class book {     public string title { get; set; }     public isbn isbn { get; set; } }  string json1 = @"{title:""title 1"", isbn:{groupcode:1,publishercode:2,titlecode:3,checkcode:4}}"; string json2 = @"{title:""title 2"", isbn:""1-2-3-4""}";  var book1 = jsonconvert.deserializeobject<book>(json1, new isbnconverter()); var book2 = jsonconvert.deserializeobject<book>(json2, new isbnconverter()); 


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