sql - Find the most recent row of a group -

i know there no "last" row hope i'm clear isn't i'm looking for. want select rows in table if value of 1 particular field last alphabetically. i'll try best draw out below. i'm bit of novice please bear me...

table [order number], [delivery date], [order qty], [shipped qty], [bill to], [ship to], [invoice number]

there many times when reissue invoices , invoice number increment letter. update additional field values well. below typical set multiples invoices...

'987654', '2014-05-01 00:00:00', '100',  '90',  'billtoxyz', 'shiptoxyz',               '987654a' - new record -  '987654', '2014-05-01 00:00:00', '-100', '-90', 'billtoxyz', 'shiptoxyz',               '987654b' - new record -  '987654', '2014-05-01 00:00:00', '100',  '100', 'billtoxyz', 'shiptonewshiptolocation', '987654c' - new record -  '987654', '2014-05-01 00:00:00', '10',   '10',  'billtoxyz', '2ndnewshiptolocation',    '987654d' - new record -  

what need query above fields , bring [invoice number] last(alphabetically) (in case 987654d) have sum values of [order qty] , [shipped qty] of records regardless of [invoice number].

if can provide additional information please let me know. thank in advance.

it possible use row_number function last row in group setting order by descending , using filter row value 1. sum , max windowing other aggregate values.

with d (   select [order number]        , [delivery date]        , sum([order qty]) on (partition [order number]) [total order qty]        , [total shipped qty]         = sum([shipped qty]) on (partition [order number])         , [bill to]        , [ship to]        , [last invoice number]         = max([invoice number]) on (partition [order number])        , id = row_number() on (partition [order number]                                   order [invoice number] desc)     table1 ) select [order number]      , [delivery date]      , [total order qty]      , [total shipped qty]      , [bill to]      , [ship to]      , [last invoice number]   d  id = 1 

sqlfiddle demo
