ios - PayPal Mobile API, How Do I Do This? -

i'm familiar mobile paypal api ios, i'm bit confused on bit of functionality i'd integrate.

i'm working on app individuals can accept payments others within app, don't want receivers of funds have provide app application id / secret created applications section in paypal developers section it's overly complicated , big barrier sake of needs accomplished. preferred way retrieving access token / secret automatically user through oauth style login - i'm not able find if paypal supports this, @ least via mobile.

all need, able setup way 1 paypal user send payment paypal user within application using paypal's api, preferably without requiring receiver manually provide id/secret tokens. possible.

actually, it's possible. paypal's permissions api uses oauth authentication 3rd party users of app. explained it's for.

when users sign app have click button (or trigger event of approving app somehow) , log in using paypal account, review permissions approving app (which setup in api calls, of course) , agree, sends them right app , passes tokens you'll need , forth accordingly.

alternatively, provide instructions people grant api access app through paypal profile. easier explaining how generate secret keys , of that, still not easy permissions integration them.
