c# - Programatically adding certificate to personal store -

the project i'm working on consists of mvc website talking wcf web services, authenticated windows identity. have certificate identity delegation i'm trying add programatically. manually open certificates snap-in in mmc, import .pfx file personal , enter password. have click on manage private keys , allow permission iis_iusrs. replicate process i've come following console app:

class program {     static void main(string[] args)     {         var cert = new x509certificate2("location.pfx", "password", x509keystorageflags.machinekeyset);         addcert(storename.my, storelocation.localmachine, cert);         addaccesstocertificate(cert, "iis_iusrs");     }      private static void addcert(storename storename, storelocation storelocation, x509certificate2 cert)     {         x509store store = new x509store(storename, storelocation);         store.open(openflags.readwrite);         store.add(cert);         store.close();     }      private static void addaccesstocertificate(x509certificate2 cert, string user)     {         rsacryptoserviceprovider rsa = cert.privatekey rsacryptoserviceprovider;          if (rsa != null)         {             string keyfilepath =                 findkeylocation(rsa.cspkeycontainerinfo.uniquekeycontainername);              fileinfo file = new fileinfo(keyfilepath + "\\" +                 rsa.cspkeycontainerinfo.uniquekeycontainername);              filesecurity fs = file.getaccesscontrol();              ntaccount account = new ntaccount(user);             fs.addaccessrule(new filesystemaccessrule(account,             filesystemrights.fullcontrol, accesscontroltype.allow));              file.setaccesscontrol(fs);         }     }     private static string findkeylocation(string keyfilename)     {         string text1 =         environment.getfolderpath(environment.specialfolder.commonapplicationdata);         string text2 = text1 + @"\microsoft\crypto\rsa\machinekeys";         string[] textarray1 = directory.getfiles(text2, keyfilename);         if (textarray1.length > 0)         {             return text2;         }         string text3 =         environment.getfolderpath(environment.specialfolder.applicationdata);         string text4 = text3 + @"\microsoft\crypto\rsa\";         textarray1 = directory.getdirectories(text4);         if (textarray1.length > 0)         {             foreach (string text5 in textarray1)             {                 textarray1 = directory.getfiles(text5, keyfilename);                 if (textarray1.length != 0)                 {                     return text5;                 }             }         }         return "private key exists not accessible";     } } 

unfortunately gives error:

the address of security token issuer not specified. explicit issuer address must specified in binding target 'https://service.svc' or local issuer address must configured in credentials.

i recognise have large knowledge gap stuff i'd appreciate guidance!

my question is, what's difference between manual , automated process?

this line:

var cert = new x509certificate2("location.pfx", "password", x509keystorageflags.machinekeyset);

should have been

var cert = new x509certificate2("location.pfx", "password", x509keystorageflags.machinekeyset | x509keystorageflags.persistkeyset);

it x509keystorageflags.persistkeyset missing.

i got helpful information on certificates here.
